Materiał: wełna
- Ręcznie tkany metodą supełkową (tzw. ręczne wiązane)
- Najwyższej jakości naturalna przędza
- Gęsto tkane miękkie runo
- Szczegółowy wzór
- Łatwe w pielęgnacji
Runo – Wool
Spód – Wool
Kraj pochodzenia – Afghanistan
Gęstość – 150-250.000 knots per sqm.
Opis produktu:
Dywan Old Afghan 1339072 w rozmiarze 79x289cm.
Two of the most popular Afghan rugs are Khal Mohammadi/Old Afghan, and Afghan Aktscha. Khal Mohammadi is handmade by Turkmens in northern Afghanistan. Both Turkmenistan to the North and Afghnaistan to the South are mostly inhabited by nomadic tribes. Kabul, the capitol of Afghanistan, and the city of Herat, are important centres for Afghan rugs. Characteristic of these rugs is the deep, warm, and fiery red base colour, the relatively high and sturdy pile, the wool base weave, the use of goat’s and horse’s hair, and knotting using the Seneh knot and the Gül (Elephant’s Foot) pattern. The base colour is a wide range of warm red nuances, from rust to copper brown. The pattern is a very dark blue, almost black, with ochre and ivory white colour.