Materiał: wełna
- Ręcznie tkany metodą supełkową (tzw. ręczne wiązane)
- Najwyższej jakości naturalna przędza
- Gęsto tkane miękkie runo
- Szczegółowy wzór
- Łatwe w pielęgnacji
Runo – Wool
Spód – Wool
Kraj pochodzenia – Persia
Gęstość – 350-450.000 knots per sqm.
Opis produktu:
Dywan Gabbeh Fine 1421219 w rozmiarze 170x236cm.
Gabbeh Fine is the name of a special rug in high quality, made from hand spun wool dyed in vegetable dyes. Gabbeh Fine is woven by the Lori and Kashghai tribes. It is coarsely woven, with light colours and a thick pile. Most Gabbeh rugs are sold in the bazaars of Shiraz. The ends are Kelims that have been repent and sewed up. The patterns are most often geometrical, although the Kashghai Gabbeh sometimes display motifs in their finer rugs. Sometimes figure patterns can be seen; goats, camels, and lions, covered by small geometrical motifs, and copies of reliefs from Persepolis (the main city of the Achaemenid dynasty, near Shiraz). Typical colours are beige, brown, red, orange, and dark blue.